Tuesday 27 August 2013

The Journey Begins

I first heard about Faithbooking several years ago when  Creative Memories  Co-founder, Rhonda Anderson, had been to Australia for
their annual conference.  My up-line leader, Amanda, said of all the consultants in her team she wished I had been there to hear
Rhonda speak. 

I loved being a Creative Memories Consultant.  I loved teaching other women to make albums like mine, but Amanda knew I was struggling with my 'why' ... you know the thing that gets you out of bed in the morning ... the thing that keeps you going.  I didn't get excited about money or what it could buy, but Amanda knew
I did get excited about my faith. 

I found all the resources I could on Faithbooking
and made a start ... this is as far as I got ... yes,
two pages! 

Sometimes life gets in the way of good intentions and we put aside the things that are important in favour of those that demand our

A few more years would pass before I would visit Faithbooking again.



  1. Hi Suzanne! I am very excited for you about this lovely blog, you have already got me intrigued with the first post! I will be returning to read about the rest of your faithbooking journey.

    You've done a great job 'setting up'.
    Love in Christ,

  2. Thank you Elisha. You gave me the nudge I needed to get started. :)

  3. Wonderful Suzanne! I'll be following your blog! Keep sharing those faith stories! To God be the glory! ~Maureen Feist, Oregon, USA

  4. Thank you Maureen. This is something the Lord prompted me to do way back when He showed me the idea of the Faithbooking page on facebook. I didn't even know what a facebook 'page' was... let alone how to write a blog! When I visited the Highway Church in Kingaroy last weekend the lovely Elisha (commenting above)asked whether I had a blog. 'Okay Lord! I get the message!'
